Facility entry and exit is by keypad ONLY. Gate access code is exclusively for tenant use. When entering or exiting gate, do not TAILGATE. Wait for previous tenant if necessary, then enter personal ACCESS CODE for entry or exit. This is for security reasons.
1. Any living thing
2. Used tires
3. Firearms
4. Explosives
5. Flammables of any kind (gas, diesel, kerosene, oil, paint, etc.)
6. Drugs or drug paraphernalia
7. Stolen items
8. Hazardous items of any kind
9. Hazardous waste material of any kind
10. Items that produce odors of any kind
11. Any item deemed inappropriate by the manager or staff of the facility
12. Any item which detrimentally affects other tenants or the facility
Tenants’ visitors and guests are to be accompanied by tenant at all times and are tenants’ responsibility, which includes proper entry and exit of premises and proper care of facility property. Children are to remain with and be supervised by parents at all times. Pets must be leashed and cleaned up after.
Guests may park in your assigned space only. However, no one (including guests) should ever park in another’s assigned spot even if it is not being occupied